Forex Glossary

Traders, especially beginners, may not know or understand some Forex terms, so we provide our users with a list of specialized terms with their definitions.

En TermEn Description

is delivery of goods or capital into the country from abroad.

Financial Transaction Tax

allows regulating financial markets, in particular, the market of derivatives.


is the offer price; the price at which a seller is willing to sell the base currency.


is the demand price; the price at which a market participant is willing to buy the base currency.


is the market participant who opens sell trades and believes that a currency exchange rate is about to fall.


is the fee or commission paid to a broker for the services rendered. The amount of the brokerage is usually proportionate to the deals’ value.

Carry trade

is a Forex trading strategy in which the profit is gained not from the price movement and closure of profitable position, but from holding position with a positive swap (see swap).

Close position

is a fixation of profits or losses on an open position; removal of a pending order.


is a period during which a price action fluctuates in a certain range without establishing a trend either up or down. Consolidation is believed to be followed by a breakout in one direction or the other.

Cross rate

is the currency exchange rate between two currencies, both of which are not the official currencies of the country in which the exchange rate quote is given in.

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